
Tokyo Motorcycle Show

Been to Tokyo Motorcycle Show today, rather disappointing, only the good ol' Kiska-KTM guys showed something interesting with their electric freeride concepts, looking forward to see the next step for those bikes. Had a good ride in the sun there and back though, bike running smooth and nice going there, but chotto bad on the way back due to lots of traffic and stop and go's. In the last picture I demonstrate how good I've become at imitating japanese eyes...


Engrish, kind of.

Duc 900

No posts for a long time, been busy latey, but yesterday I finally took out the Ducati for a spin outside of Tokyo. She's not too keen on stop and go traffic in the city, but coming out on the expressway and then up some curvy little mountain roads seemed to please her! And me! It's really an amazing bike, there's a lot of drama in terms of sound and vibration which makes slow speed feel fast enough, but what surprised me a bit was how well it seems handle on a bendy road, nice! A bit on the heavy side and the clutch is hard as hell but all in all an absolute joy :)

A friend at work is preparing a gfk-sidepanel for me, to cover up the battery side, looks a bit rough at the moment with it completely open. And I can't make up my mind if I should keep the front fairing on or not, bought new front light holders to get it closer to the forks, but kind of like the big bubble look... neeeh, musikashi...