
Funabashi Autorace 2

This was supposed to be the much better second post about the Funabashi Autorace, but since I'm incompetent and forgot to charge my camera battery I only have a few crappy phone-pics and a video (still dragged the camera there and back of course...). Cold like hell today, but we endured till the very end to see the final race of the year, one happy racer cashing in 32million yen!!! Me and Ola actually won as well in the last race, a whopping 2000yen which we spent on coffee at Starbucks in order to try to heat up again...


Funabashi Autorace 1

Top: Masked rider. Bottom: Mori-san, aka Autorace Man, one of the singers in a J-pop band (Smap) in the 90:s, converted to become a professional autorace racer and has since then has quite a bit of success, but today he kind of sucked...

Time for autorace again! This time at a different venue, Funabashi Autorace stadium, much more people and a higher ranked racers so no handicaps in the races. Last time I didn't win anything, but today I left with more yen in my pockets than I had when I came! And I've found a good place to get a second flat as you can see in the last pic... should be a good view from the balcony! Just have to start winning a bit more in order to afford a it... ;)



Tokyo bikes

Check the guy texting in the last picture :) thanks Andi!

Beer and airsoft in Nagoya

Headed down to Nagoya saturday to have a beer with my old design-school friend Pontus. Perfect little trip, met some really nice people and we ended up playing airsoft with them on sunday -really good fun! Some of the guys had the full gear, including bullet proof vests and comm-links and both red and yellow smoke and mags bigger than the guns and bloody cameras on their helmets and 2 sidearms just in case their main rifle would jam so that they could end the session in proper Hong-Kong action movie style! Mad.

A normal M16 replica sets you back 30.000yen. Which is a almost a bargain when you think of it... then you just need a helmet and mask and some camo-gear and maybe a sidearm and it might be nice to have one of those mega-mags and proper army boots and maybe a camping chair to rest in during the breaks...


Eddies Royal Enfield

Just received a few pics from my friend and former boss Eddie of his Royal Enfield. I really like the look, especially the scrambler-like muffler position -geil! And Eddie did all the electrics himself...
R E S P E C T.


Carr Magazine 3

Early christmas today, thanks a million Marek!! Got the 3:d issue of Carr Magazine which features some of my KTM-sketches. Should be possible to order the magazine from Simkom.com soon, but so far not yet available. Looks real nice, same focus as the previous issues -mostly sketches with emphasis on sketch, not gaylord renderings.


Porsche Museum

Got a bit stuck looking at old pictures... here's a batch from the Porsche museum in Stuttgart where me and Christian stopped on the way back from our bike trip to Paris earlier this year. It was really expensive if I remember right, but almost none of the cars where behind any type of fence or barriers so you could get a good close look at things which is worth a lot. And no people, guess they were all down at the showroom signing up to buy a Panamera...

Tokyo bikes

A selection of bike pics that I posted on my friend Piers's site Derestricted after my first trip to Japan, before having this blog, but I think they deserve to be here as well...